Dore Hotel Agia Marina


Following the instructions of the Ministry of Tourism, Dore Boutique Hotel is implementing a new health protocol. The Protocol includes the development of an Action Plan and the development of a Suspected Case Management Plan. The aim of the Action Plan is to prevent the occurrence and effective management of suspicious cases in order to limit the exposure of staff and guests, always in accordance with the current guidelines of the National Public Health Organization. The Action Plan complies with the recommendations of the National Public Health Organization and will be revised according to the developments.

The measures described in the Action Plan and the Suspected Case Management Plan are meant to protect our staff and guests and to outline the necessary measures to prevent and protect against COVID-19 disease.

These measures include:

Individual Hygiene Measures & Personal Protective Equipment

City Hotel has taken measures to implement good personal hygiene practices in the workplace and oversees their continued implementation. Specifically:

Accommodation File and Event Book


Each member of the hotel staff strictly adheres to the basic protection measures against COVID-19. In particular, employees practice the following personal and respiratory hygiene practices:



Dore Boutique  Hotel staff takes the necessary hygiene measures, keeps a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the customers and adheres to the following hygiene rules:




Wellness Areas - Gym

Common Areas

Common areas include the lobby, seating area, outdoor seating and the following measures apply:

Air Conditioning and Ventilation

Environmental Measures

COVID-19 Suspected Case Management Plan

If a guest shows symptoms relating to COVID-19, the following procedure is followed:

If an employee exhibits symptoms relating to COVID-19, the following procedure is followed:

Cleaning and Disinfecting a Patient's Room

Partnership with Therapeutic Medical Center of Chania

As part of the Health & Safety measures against COVID-19, City Hotel has partnered with Therapeutic Medical Center of Chania to provide guests and staff with the following services:


Please note that these measures are subject to change and this page will be updated accordingly.


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